Monday, March 30, 2009

Creatures of the Desert

With Spring in the air, we're seeing all sorts of interesting creatures. I have never seen so many hummingbirds! We have two feeders that are constantly swarmed. Also, a large, male desert tortoise visited the backyard, but eventually moved on. There were a handful of gila monster sightings as well. Although, they are the only poisonous lizard in America they really aren't a threat to humans. When you look at them closely, you can see their intricate designs that almost look like their skin is made of black and orange beads. And of course, rattlesnakes are more and more prevalent as the days get warmer. It's an honor to see all of these amazing animals that have found a way to thrive in this extreme climate. The guests are so proud to report their finds after each ride. Why don't you come on out and see for yourself...

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